3 Subscribe

To Subscribe To The [cpsdn] Yahoo Group:
  • Step 1: Send a blank email (no subject or body is necessary) to cpsdn-subscribe@yahoogroups.com
  • Step 2: Then REPLY to Yahoo's response message, asking you to confirm it (i.e. just hit the reply button).
  • The Yahoo Group will automatically subscribe the address from which it receives the blank email.   
  • You will receive a confirmation message, plus a "new members message".

To Subscribe To The [HarrisburgDance] Yahoo Group:
  • Step 2: Then REPLY to Yahoo's response message, asking you to confirm it (i.e. just hit the reply button).
  • The Yahoo Group will automatically subscribe the address from which it receives the blank email.   
  • You will receive a confirmation message, plus a "new members message".

To Subscribe To The [RedRoseDance] Yahoo Group:
  • Step 2: Then REPLY to Yahoo's response message, asking you to confirm it (i.e. just hit the reply button).
  • The Yahoo Group will automatically subscribe the address from which it receives the blank email.   
  • You will receive a confirmation message, plus a "new members message".